Simple Campaign Reporting

Simple Email Campaign Reporting

Reporting for Simple Campaigns

Please note, we've recently launched an updated version of our email campaign reporting. To navigate and learn about that experience, please select the airplane icon in your Gainfully profile.

From there, you can select "Check it out!" or "Campaign Reporting" to navigate into the updated reporting. If you're not seeing the updates, please clear cookies and then log back into Gainfully.

Simple Campaign Reporting

To fully utilize the email reporting capabilities, ensure you've enabled pop-ups and downloads from Gainfully. This will allow you to download important data regarding email performance. Navigating to the new user interface will give you the ability to fully analyze your email campaigns, target the audiences more efficiently, and ensure you're sending desired content.

Main Page Reporting

The main page of our email reporting functionality is meant to serve as a sort of snapshot of how your email campaigns have been received. Here, you can filter by template type, status, date sent, and search by campaign name to find specific email reporting details.

When you first navigate to the main page, you'll see your email quota in the top right corner. Hovering over the blue tool tip will further explain what this quota means. Filtering by template type allows you to filter by email campaigns you've sent depending on their assigned template. Status allows you to see all email campaigns: whether they've been scheduled, cancelled, under review, completed, or rejected. For more information on what these statuses mean, please see the reporting definitions page, linked here.

Individual Email Reporting

To see more about any specific email campaign, simply click on the the row you're interested in learning about.

Here, you'll see the specific metrics for that individual email. To go back to the main reporting page, you can follow the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page, the "campaigns" section, highlighted in blue.

To learn more about how the intended audience interacted with your campaign, simply click on the blue hyperlink below each metric. For example, to learn more about who the email was delivered to, select the wording in blue that reads "148 recipients". We refer to this as our "User Actions" portal.

User Actions

Selecting a hyperlink in any of the user actions portals will populate the below modal.

To navigate this modal, simply search by name or email.

We are excited to roll this new reporting experience out! In the meantime, as users adjust to the updates, you will still be able to view and utilize the legacy reporting. That experience will be sunset in the near future. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions you may have!

Legacy Reporting for Simple Campaigns

Our email analytics provides insights into your campaign activity and can be found under All Campaigns. You can click into Opened, Clicked, or Blocked to view or download a list of users who took an action on your email.